3 Day Weekend

Friday, was a very fast day, i got home from school and packed my belonging. Since we were waiting for my dad to get off work to leave Salinas. We left Salinas around 6 and we were on our way to South Lake Tahoe. We arrived their like around 11 something at night. On Saturday when we woke up we got ready to go have some fun at the snow. The day went super fast. We were suppose to stay at Lake Tahoe all through out the weekend and come back Monday, but my mom got irritated and she decided we should leave. So we did but first we stopped in Sacramento so say hi to my grandmother.  At that time it was already 9 something, and everyone was tired but my mom didn’t want to stay so she made my dad drive from sac to Salinas that same night. We arrived like around 2 in the morning. On Sunday since it was the 14 of February my dad got up early and he got my mom some roses. He told us to change and we were out again. We took my mom to eat and then to buy clothing as her gift from all of us.  When i arrived home a noticed i had a valentines gift from my boyfriend. I got some roses and a teddy bear. It was a  nice surprise since he doesn’t have his phone or anything to communicate with. On Monday i didn’t do much but to catch up with my sleep.

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